Goth & Lolita

There will always be a special place in my heart for Harajuku and as I call them the “freaky girls” that strut their stuff every Sunday. Cosplay (costume play) at its finest, these girls are pros in front of the camera. So very performance art.

No outfit is too extreme, however, themes do emerge. Two are the “Goths” and the “Lolitas”. There is even a magazine targeted to these girls, aptly named Goth & Lolita.
Below are representative samples of a Goth and a Lolita.

goth_01 lolita

11 thoughts on “Goth & Lolita

  1. I saw quite a few of them cosplaying as JRock groups the last time I was in Tokyo. Dressing up as Mana from the group Malice Mizer (I think) was extremely popular.
    It’s catching on here in Singapore too.

  2. Gothic Lolita is spilling into other areas! Have you seen any of them carrying dolls dressed up exactly like them? Very well-known group of doll customizers called “Dolls Drug Kingdom”
    I have the same type of dolls and a couple of Lolita dresses for it too.
    It’s also catching on in the US because these kids that got into japanese anime got into jrock and now, they are making their own Gothic Lolita clothing and parading it off at the various anime cons across the country.

  3. Hey ya girl. I got sick after we talked and I can’t sleep tonight. You were so excited when we were chatting about blogging I am surfing this site again. As always you are my style guru!

  4. Meh n meh luv sometymes go shoppin n he saw tat I wanted tat dress tat Lulu wore in FFX. So he, bein tha sweetheart tat he is, got meh it fo no reason at all! Luv him 4ever! Anyways I just wanted 2 say tat tat dress fo Lulu wuz coo n all but heavy as hell. All those leather strapes were a pain to haul around! Cosplayin is fun n I hope tat he gets meh tha costume tat Payn wears in FFX-2. I luv U, Yuri! (Aka: Heero/Donnie) By: Mali Aka: BabyAzn/Emily

  5. I sort of like the whole Gothic Lolita thing… but I absolutely hate the babyish colors… I don’t mind patterns, nor do I mind black, white or even baby blue… I just hate pink. Now if they did the Gothic Lolita thing down here in Washington state but kept the colors a little darker and the skirts a little less poofy it would be cool…I would even wear it because I find it amusing… unfortunately I already look like I’m 13 even though I am 18. I don’t need people constantly thinking that I am 13, nor do I need them starting to think that I am frivolous, so I think for me the whole Gothic Lolita thing will be nothing more than a halloween costume or a bedroom fantasy.

  6. Im a british gl.there is a dedicated following of gls and cosplayers in britian and the us.its not frivolous.Although there are those who follow the gl lifestyle half heartedly there are others who are very serious about it. please remember some of us are real gl’s and others arnt.I too prefer gothic loli to sweet loli. but there is value in both. we have meetings and tea partys regularly.we are a growing orgonization. plz remember that. thank you xx

  7. I love the gothic lolita style. Its so expensive though! When I went to Japan in May I bought a dress/outfit at Body Line and it was $180 or something like that. So worth it though, haha. Soon i think I’m gonna try and make my own dress thing, it’d be so much cheaper.

  8. i’m in New Zealand. sadly i’ve never seen anyone in goth lolita here except myself. i wish we had a scene, currently i’m juct holding spiffy tea parties for my friends , who all thing i’ve gone completely nuts. have to say i’m not into the baby pink or blue either. black red and white all the way, with maybe hot pink as an accent colour.

  9. I am a gothic lolita and I like the style very much. I also prefer black but I also like the all-white outfits. I think there is a difference between lolita and cosplaying. In cosplaying, they try to dress up like an excact copy of an anime-figure, while lolita is a STYLE. I’m sure some (but very few) doesn’t really like mana even though they are egl’s. As for me, I like Mana, but I knew about the gothic lolita style before I knew about him.

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